
Revitalization & Transformation

Our body has natural detoxification processes that we can strengthen through targeted support of the intestines, liver and other organs - for more energy and well-being in everyday life.

What is detox?

The term “Detox” is derived from the English word “Detoxification”, which means something like detoxification. Detox stands for the body's natural processes in which harmful substances (toxins) are neutralized and eliminated. In functional medicine, detox is viewed as a holistic approach that aims to support the body's self-healing powers and restore balance to internal systems.

Why is detox important?

Every day, the human body is exposed to a variety of toxins – from the environment, food, cosmetics, and metabolic processes. A well-functioning detoxification system ensures that these toxins do not permanently damage the body. However, with increasing stress and environmental pollution, the capacity of the detoxification system is often exhausted.
At-home tips
Circle Health Detox Guide
Take the first step to detoxify your body with our exclusive guide including instructions and recipes for a 14-day detox challenge. We will also send you ongoing gut health and nutrition insights, including how Circle Health’s treatments and products could help.
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How does detox work?

The role of the gut in detoxification

The intestines play a key role in the detoxification process. The intestinal wall acts as a barrier that prevents toxins from entering the bloodstream. Impaired gut health, such as leaky gut syndrome, can lead to overload of the detoxification system as toxins can penetrate the intestinal barrier and enter the body.
The most important detoxification organs
  • Liver: The central detoxification organ that converts toxins into water-soluble substances that are then excreted in urine or stool.
  • Kidneys: Filter waste products and toxins from the blood and remove them through the urine.
  • Lungs: Volatile toxins are excreted through the respiratory tract.
  • Skin: The body can also eliminate harmful substances through sweating.
  • Lymphatic system: Transports and filters lymphatic fluid to eliminate harmful substances.
Toxins and their sources
  • Environmental toxins: Chemicals, pesticides, air pollution.
  • Food additives: Preservatives, colorings, artificial flavors.
  • Medications and hormones: Some medications can put strain on the liver and disrupt metabolic processes.
  • Stress: Chronic stress leads to increased production of free radicals that damage cells.
Symptoms of an overloaded detoxification system
When the detoxification system is overwhelmed, various symptoms can occur. These symptoms are often nonspecific and are not immediately associated with toxic overload.
Chronic fatigue & lack of energy
Chronic fatigue & lack of energy

When the detoxification system is overloaded, the body uses extra energy to deal with the buildup of toxins. This leads to less energy being available for everyday activities, which manifests itself in constant exhaustion and a feeling of "lack of energy", even after sufficient sleep. Fatigue can also result from toxins having a negative impact on cell metabolism and affecting mitochondria, the cells' energy producers.

Frequent headaches
Frequent headaches

Toxins circulating in the body can disrupt blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain, which can lead to headaches and migraines. An overworked detoxification system can also lead to an imbalance in the neurotransmitter system, which can be another cause of headaches. In addition, metabolic toxins and inflammatory substances can irritate the nerve cells.

Digestive issues
Digestive issues

Since the intestines are a central organ in the detoxification process, overload often has a direct impact on the digestive system. Toxic overload can disrupt the intestinal flora, causing bloating and indigestion. Constipation is a sign that the body is not effectively excreting toxins through bowel movements, while diarrhea can be a reaction of the body to eliminate pollutants as quickly as possible. Both extremes indicate that the intestines are not functioning optimally.

Skin problems
Skin problems

The skin is the body's largest detoxification organ, and when the liver and kidneys are overwhelmed, the body attempts to eliminate excess toxins through the skin. This can lead to skin irritations such as acne, eczema or redness. Especially when overloaded with environmental toxins or an unhealthy diet, the skin is often the first to show signs of toxic exposure.

Joint pain & muscle stiffness
Joint pain & muscle stiffness

Overloading the detoxification system can lead to a buildup of metabolic waste products and inflammation in the joints. This can cause painful joints and muscle stiffness, which is particularly noticeable in the morning or after exercise. An excess of toxins can also stimulate the body's production of inflammatory substances such as cytokines, which increases symptoms.

Mood swings & irritability
Mood swings & irritability

Toxins can affect the nervous system and the production of hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which can lead to mood swings, irritability or even depression. Inadequate detoxification can also increase stress hormone levels and impair thyroid hormone balance, affecting emotional stability. Toxic stress also leads to an imbalance in the gut, which in turn has a direct impact on brain function via the gut-brain axis.

Long-term effects of overload
  • Chronic inflammation: Inadequate detoxification can increase inflammatory processes in the body, which can lead to diseases such as autoimmune diseases, arthritis or diabetes.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Toxic overload can disrupt the hormonal system, which can lead to cycle irregularities, weight gain, or infertility.
What can detox help with?
Detox aims for a comprehensive, deep cleansing and revitalization of the body to address both acute and chronic health problems:
Detoxification of the body
Chronische Müdigkeit & Energiemangel

Reduction of toxins and pollutants: Detox aims to systematically eliminate harmful toxins such as heavy metals, environmental toxins and metabolic waste products from the body. This is done through specialized therapies such as infusion therapy, colon hydrotherapy and ozone therapy, which activate and support the body's own detoxification mechanisms.

Neutralization of oxidative stress: Administering antioxidants such as glutathione and vitamin C reduces oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which can lead to cell damage and premature aging. This measure helps maintain cell health and improve repair processes.

Chronische Müdigkeit & Energiemangel

Increase in vitality and energy: The combination of targeted nutrient supply, infusion therapies and detox therapies increases physical and mental energy. The challenge promotes sustained improvement in energy levels and reduces tiredness and fatigue, which are often caused by toxin loads and micronutrient deficiencies.

Optimization of physical performance: The focus should also be on improving regeneration times and increasing performance. Special therapies such as Red Light Therapy and infusions support muscle regeneration and increase general physical resilience.

Physical & mental regeneration
Chronische Müdigkeit & Energiemangel

Recovery and Repair: The challenge offers measures to support physical and mental regeneration. This includes stress-reducing techniques such as meditation and yoga, which help improve mental resilience and emotional balance. This is particularly important for those suffering from chronic stress or emotional distress.

Promoting self-healing powers: By strengthening the immune system and promoting cell repair, the body's ability to heal itself is improved. Infusion therapies and targeted nutrient supply support the body's natural healing processes and promote faster recovery from possible health problems.

Chronische Müdigkeit & Energiemangel

Prevention of chronic diseases: Through early detection of nutrient deficiencies and toxic loads, preventive measures are taken to avoid chronic diseases. The challenge aims to identify and minimize risk factors to prevent long-term health problems.

Sustainable health improvement: Creating a tailored health plan at the end of the challenge helps participants integrate healthy habits into their everyday lives in the long term. The focus is on sustainable improvement of lifestyle and nutrition in order to consolidate and optimize the results achieved.

What detox methods are there?
At Circle Health, we use holistic detox strategies tailored to the health status and needs of each patient. These include:
Nutritional advice

In our practice we offer individual nutritional advice to optimally support the detoxification processes. Based on a detailed anamnesis, we create tailor-made nutritional plans that focus on gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory foods. These plans aim to promote liver function, improve digestion, and provide the body with essential nutrients. We take personal intolerances, preferences and special needs into account in order to enable long-term and sustainable detoxification.


To support detoxification, we at Circle Health offer selected supplements that specifically affect the detoxification functions of the organs. These include preparations with glutathione, N-acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) and magnesium.

Holistic approaches
In addition, there are other approaches to how you can support the body's own detoxification in everyday life.
  • Stress management: Meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga promote detoxification by calming the nervous system and placing the body in a parasympathetic state.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise, especially light cardio exercises, promotes sweating and stimulates lymphatic circulation.
  • Hydration: Adequate water intake is essential to support the excretory pathways of the kidneys and skin.
Detox plans and programs
At Circle Health, we offer personalized detox programs tailored to your individual needs and goals.
Example of a detox program
  • History and diagnostics: A thorough examination of the health status to identify toxic exposures and individual vulnerabilities.
  • Preparation phase: Creating the optimal conditions by adjusting the diet and supplying specific nutrients.
  • Intensive detox phase: Use of foods and supplements to support liver and kidney function and promote the elimination of toxins.
  • Regeneration phase: After the intensive detox phase, the development and regeneration of the intestines are supported by probiotic and prebiotic foods.

Your way to detoxification.

Discover how our holistic approach to detoxification can help you live a balanced and vital life. With targeted diagnostics, personalized recommendations and holistic treatments, we accompany you on your way to a healthier life and better well-being.
Simple detox tips for everyday life

Even without an intensive detox program, small changes in everyday life can have a significant impact on the body’s natural detoxification processes. Here are some simple tips that can be easily integrated into daily life:

  • Drink enough water daily: Water supports the kidneys in excreting toxins through the urine. Aim for at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily.
  • Warm lemon water in the morning: Start the day with a glass of warm lemon water. It stimulates digestion, promotes liver function and has an alkaline effect on the body.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: Fiber from fruits and vegetables promotes digestion and binds toxins in the intestines to remove them from the body. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale in particular have a detoxifying effect.
  • Exercise and sweating: Regular exercise, be it a walk or a sports session, stimulates the lymphatic system and promotes sweating, which helps the body detoxify through the skin.
  • Reduce sugar and processed foods: Avoid refined sugar and highly processed foods, which can put a strain on the detoxification system. Instead, rely on whole, natural foods.
  • Deep breathing and relaxation techniques: Breathing exercises and meditation help put the body in a relaxed state, which relieves the detoxification organs and reduces stress.
  • Intermittent fasting: Regular breaks between meals (e.g. 16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating) can give the body time to regenerate and break down toxins.

These tips are easy to implement and can help you support your detoxification organs every day without having to make major changes to your everyday life.

At-home tips
Circle Health Detox Guide
Take the first step to detoxify your body with our exclusive guide including instructions and recipes for a 14-day detox challenge. We will also send you ongoing gut health and nutrition insights, including how Circle Health’s treatments and products could help.
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Who will treat me?

Our team at Circle Health consists of naturopaths and medical assistants.

  • Our naturopaths, who conduct the anamnesis, have years of experience in functional medicine and naturopathy, and have also run their own practices.
  • Our therapies are carried out by naturopaths and medical assistants who have years of experience in performing naturopathic therapies. They are also skilled in invasive procedures such as administering infusions and drawing blood.
What are the costs for a therapy?

Determining the exact costs of comprehensive therapy in advance is difficult, as they can vary depending on individual symptoms, physical condition, and therapy approach. A detailed initial assessment allows us to make a more accurate financial assessment.

Does my health insurance cover the costs?

The treatment costs for sessions at Circle Health as well as the substances recommended by Circle Health are generally not covered by statutory health insurance and only partially reimbursed by private health insurance. The costs are to be borne by patients themselves. (Partial) reimbursement by private health insurance or supplementary insurance is possible; however, it is the responsibility of patients to inform themselves about the respective procedures for cost reimbursement and approval and to take advantage of these. The invoice will be issued independently of any potential reimbursement and is to be paid by patients independently.

Can I cancel an appointment?

You have the option to cancel appointments up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. If you exceed the 24-hour deadline, Circle Health reserves the right to invoice the entire expected revenue for the missed appointment.

Covid-19 and other acute infections

In order to ensure the safety of all patients, we ask you not to come to the practice if you have the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Covid-19
  • Acute flu-like infection
  • Acute bacterial infection
  • Other contagious diseases

We do not require a negative Covid-19 test upon arrival, but trust that you will recover from these symptoms and illnesses before coming to the Circle Health practice.