Circle Health Center
Berlin Charlottenburg


Giesebrechtstrasse 20
10629 Berlin, Deutschland
(030) 99 28 38 22

View map and directions

Opening hours

Monday: 9am - 7pm
Tuesday: 9am - 7pm
Wednesday: 9am - 7pm
Thursday: 9am - 7pm
Friday: 9am - 7pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm


During a preliminary phone call, we can answer your initial questions and discuss the next steps.

Get in touch
Circle Health Charlottenburg
Your Home For
Whole-Person Care.

Across 250 square meters, we combine traditional methods with the latest medical therapies in an inviting atmosphere.

Our experts
The team supporting you.

Our experienced therapists are there to guide you every step along the way towards better health and well-being.

Practitioner & Osteopath
Practitioner & Osteopath
Practitioner & Osteopath
Practitioner & Physiotherapist
Principal Practice Manager
Practice Manager

Join the community

Share steps on your health journey.

Help & FAQs

Have questions?

Chat with our practice team.
Monday - Friday 8am to 8pm.

Start chat now

You can also call us at:

030 99 28 38 22

Or reach us via email at:
Who will treat me?

Our team at Circle Health consists of naturopaths and medical assistants.

  • Our naturopaths, who conduct the anamnesis, have years of experience in functional medicine and naturopathy, and have also run their own practices.
  • Our therapies are carried out by naturopaths and medical assistants who have years of experience in performing naturopathic therapies. They are also skilled in invasive procedures such as administering infusions and drawing blood.
What are the costs for a therapy?

Determining the exact costs of comprehensive therapy in advance is difficult, as they can vary depending on individual symptoms, physical condition, and therapy approach. A detailed initial assessment allows us to make a more accurate financial assessment.

Does my health insurance cover the costs?

The treatment costs for sessions at Circle Health as well as the substances recommended by Circle Health are generally not covered by statutory health insurance and only partially reimbursed by private health insurance. The costs are to be borne by patients themselves. (Partial) reimbursement by private health insurance or supplementary insurance is possible; however, it is the responsibility of patients to inform themselves about the respective procedures for cost reimbursement and approval and to take advantage of these. The invoice will be issued independently of any potential reimbursement and is to be paid by patients independently.

Can I cancel an appointment?

You have the option to cancel appointments up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. If you exceed the 24-hour deadline, Circle Health reserves the right to invoice the entire expected revenue for the missed appointment.

Covid-19 and other acute infections

In order to ensure the safety of all patients, we ask you not to come to the practice if you have the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Covid-19
  • Acute flu-like infection
  • Acute bacterial infection
  • Other contagious diseases

We do not require a negative Covid-19 test upon arrival, but trust that you will recover from these symptoms and illnesses before coming to the Circle Health practice.


Die Praxis liegt direkt an den Bushaltestellen Südwestkorso/Taunusstraße und Deidesheimer Straße und ca. 6-8 Minuten von der S-Bahn-, U-Bahn-, und Bushaltestelle Bundesplatz und den U-Bahn- und Bushaltestellen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Platz und Rüdesheimer Platz.

In der Nähe der Praxis (ca. 2-9 Min. Fußweg) befinden sich Parkplätze wie z.B. am Südwestkorso, an der Deidesheimer Straße und Offenbacher Straße, sowie am P+R Bundesplatz.

Opening hours
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 17:00