Prevention & Performance
Prevent Rather Than Treat: Maintain Your Quality of Life

Understand your symptoms with in-depth consultations and cutting-edge diagnostics and get access to targeted natural therapies — all under one roof.

At Circle Health, we adopt a holistic approach to proactively prevent diseases. With our treatments for prevention and performance enhancement, we aim to bring you to peak mental and physical condition. Through targeted preventive measures and performance optimization, we strive to help you maintain and enhance your health and achieve your personal best – whether in everyday life, at work, or in sports.

Preventative Health

Prevention is not only the key to a long life but also to high quality of life and overall well-being. At Circle Health, our goal is to prevent diseases before they occur. Treatments can be lengthy, costly, and emotionally taxing. Therefore, we place great emphasis on preventing diseases rather than treating them once they have developed.

Genetic predispositions play a role, but you are not at the mercy of your genes. By early identification of risk factors and the implementation of preventive strategies, the risk of many diseases can be significantly reduced. With comprehensive preventive therapies and state-of-the-art diagnostics, we identify these risk factors and create personalized plans to keep you healthy and vital.

Our Preventive Approaches and Therapies:

  • Holistic Health Check
  • Microbiome and Blood Analysis
  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Analysis
  • Osteopathy
  • Interval Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Training (IHHT)
  • Personalized Nutritional and Lifestyle Counseling
  • Infusion and Micronutrient Therapy
  • Regular Monitoring and Follow-ups


At Circle Health, we support you in taking your physical and mental performance to the next level. Our tailored plans are designed to help you achieve your goals with confidence and energy.

Diagnostics and Therapies:

  • Blood Analysis
  • Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) Test
  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Analysis
  • Osteopathic Testing and Body Check
  • Infusion Therapy, IHHT, CAT® Therapy
  • Micronutrient Therapy

Longevity & Vitality

Embrace long-term health and vitality with our holistic approach at Circle Health. We focus on addressing the fundamental factors that influence the aging process. Our goal is to enhance your health so you can lead an active and fulfilling life.

Diagnostics and Therapies:

  • Blood and Hormone Analysis
  • Interval Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Training (IHHT)
  • Red Light Therapy and CAT® Therapy
  • Infusion Therapy
  • Lifestyle Counseling

Energy & Mitochondria

The health of your cells, particularly your mitochondria – "the powerhouses of your cells" – reflects your well-being. These tiny organelles play a central role in your energy balance. With targeted diagnostics and personalized treatments, we support you in having more energy in your daily life and maximizing your performance.

Diagnostics and Therapies:

  • Hormone, Mitochondria, and Blood Analysis
  • Individual Nutrition and Supplement Plans
  • Infusion Therapies
  • Integrative Therapies
  • Stress Management and Lifestyle Adjustment Counseling
Holistic Approach
Healthy aging with targeted measures.
Lab Diagnostics

Answer a few questions online and schedule a call to discuss your individual situation and next steps.

In-Depth Consultation
We usually start with a personal consultation, where we sit down and take the time to talk about your individual situation in detail to come up with possible next steps.
Discover our health check
Targeted Diagnostics
You get access to advanced lab diagnostics and have your dedicated functional practitioner help you understand the results.
Discover diagnostics
Personalized Health Plan
Receive a health plan including actionable advice on nutrition, lifestyle and stress management as well as treatment recommendations, tailored to your individual goals.
Get your health plan
Holistic Therapy
We offer a wide range of natural treatments promoting holistic healing and long-term well-being with personalized care tailored to your unique needs.
Discover treatments

Possible next steps

Holistic Health Check
Holistic Health Check
Patient Feedback
What others are saying.
Donata L.
The osteopathy is great and I was able to receive very competent help during my pregnancy and the problems that arose as a result. I can only recommend it and will definitely go there again.
Alberto S.
It was mega🙌🏼🙌🏼 great atmosphere. I've done it several times abroad, but haven't found a place in Berlin yet. I liked it there; The staff were all nice and I'll be going there more often now.
Zino W.
I went to Circle Health and was treated there by Charlotte after the practice was personally recommended to me. The practice is located in beautiful, old Berlin premises that create a very pleasant atmosphere. Bright, quiet, relaxed. I would be happy to recommend the practice.
Jil Sophie Carl
Loved the aesthetics of this place! I was a little scared of getting an IV drip, but the staff was very attentive and calm, they did a really great job. Thank you so much for making me feel so safe :) Highly recommend!
Lukas M.
Super happy with the Vitamin C drip I received at Circle today! From beginning to end, the whole staff was super lovely and helpful, making sure I felt comfortable at all times. The clinic is super modern, bright and you even get a free ginger shot with your drip!
pia-moritzia haacke
Sehr nette elegant eingerichtete Praxis, Betreuung durch ein junges freundliches Praxisteam, kompetente Ärzte, kaum Wartezeit, Termine waren sowohl online als auch telefonisch möglich.
Moderne Ausstattung, sehr kompetente und nette Mitarbeiter*innen - Danke Ellen! Ich kann die Vitamin Infusion nur weiterempfehlen!
Mario Goeb
Ein wirkliches tolles Team. Super freundlich und sehr kompetent. Ich habe die Infusionstherapie gemacht und bin sehr zufrieden.
Slava Kaplunov
War da heute zu einer Vitamin C Infusion. Sehr freundliches Personal und schön eingerichtete Praxis. Immer wieder gerne :)
Senay Alkac
Ich kann osteopathie bei Charlotte nur weiter empfehlen. Sie zeigt ihre Erfahrung hört zu versteht und geht vorsichtig ran 👍
Sehr schöne Praxis mit sehr freundlichen und kompetenten Mitarbeierinnen! Habe bei akuten Beschwerden super schnell einen Termin für eine Vitamin C Infusion bekommen. Kurzes Anamnesegespräch und Blutabnahme gab es auch direkt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden!
Max Loeper
Tolle helle Klinik, mit freundlichem Personal und einer positiven Atmosphäre. Ich bekam vor meinem Examen eine Vitamin C-Infusion zum Schutz vor der anrollenden Krankheitswelle und bin top gestärkt durch die Zeit danach gekommen
amelie König
Die Praxis von circle ist super schön gestaltet und vor allem das Team ist unglaublich freundlich! Ich habe mich hier bestens aufgehoben gefühlt & komme gerne wieder. Eine rundum positive Erfahrung!
Jonas K
Habe vor ein paar Wochen einen 360° Health Check gemacht bei Manuela. Sie hat mich einmal komplett durch-analysiert und mir sehr hilfreiche und wertvolle Hinweise gegeben, und ich merke jetzt schon die Verbesserung im Alltag. Musti hatte mich während der Analyse hervorragend betreut und mir beispielsweise Blut abgenommen für die Tests. Melanie macht den besten Ingwer-Zitrone Tee den ich bisher getrunken habe und auf Basis der guten Erfahrungen (und dem Tee) habe ich heute auch direkt meine erste Infusion + Osteopathie Sitzung gebucht bei Charlotte, da sie direkt kurzfristig Zeit hatte. Ich habe sowas noch nie vorher gemacht und ich muss sagen ich bin absolut begeistert. Fühle mich nach ihrer Behandlung wie frisch ausgeschlafen und habe einiges an Hausaufgaben und Übungen bis zum nächsten mal mitbekommen. Die nächsten Termine stehen schon! Danke euch und bis bald
Jannis Wittmann
War bei circle health für eine nightlife repair infusion nach einer Nacht Party. Hatte einen Kater und Kopfschmerzen, die waren danach beide weg und ich hab mich voll frisch gefühlt. Schöne Praxis, nettes Team, tolles Konzept, volle Empfehlung! 🤩
Ich bin seit einiger Zeit in der Praxis und sehr zufrieden. Es wird einem zugehört, auch per Mail bekomme ich bei Frau Ruebsam eine schnelle Antwort und Unterstützung. Charlotte hat eine Engelsgeduld bei den Infusionen, obwohl meine Venen eine reine Katastrophe sind. :-) Alle Mitarbeiter aus der Praxis sind mir freundlich entgegengekommen und dementsprechend kann ich den Besuch jeden nur empfehlen.
Sebastian E
Wonderful experience & amazing staff!
Talitha von Loeper
I had the most relaxing experience at Circle Health! A very professional and friendly team which takes the time to solve problems individually. Osteopathy with Charlotte really helped me and I would recommend it anytime!!
I had a wonderful experience during my session with Ellen. She’s very kind and knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend booking an appointment if you’re looking to achieve greater balance and wellbeing

Help & FAQs

Have questions?

Chat with our practice team.
Monday - Friday 8am to 8pm.

Start chat now

You can also call us at:

030 99 28 38 22

Or reach us via email at:
Who will treat me?

Our team at Circle Health consists of naturopaths and medical assistants.

  • Our naturopaths, who conduct the anamnesis, have years of experience in functional medicine and naturopathy, and have also run their own practices.
  • Our therapies are carried out by naturopaths and medical assistants who have years of experience in performing naturopathic therapies. They are also skilled in invasive procedures such as administering infusions and drawing blood.
What are the costs for a therapy?

Determining the exact costs of comprehensive therapy in advance is difficult, as they can vary depending on individual symptoms, physical condition, and therapy approach. A detailed initial assessment allows us to make a more accurate financial assessment.

Does my health insurance cover the costs?

The treatment costs for sessions at Circle Health as well as the substances recommended by Circle Health are generally not covered by statutory health insurance and only partially reimbursed by private health insurance. The costs are to be borne by patients themselves. (Partial) reimbursement by private health insurance or supplementary insurance is possible; however, it is the responsibility of patients to inform themselves about the respective procedures for cost reimbursement and approval and to take advantage of these. The invoice will be issued independently of any potential reimbursement and is to be paid by patients independently.

Can I cancel an appointment?

You have the option to cancel appointments up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. If you exceed the 24-hour deadline, Circle Health reserves the right to invoice the entire expected revenue for the missed appointment.

Covid-19 and other acute infections

In order to ensure the safety of all patients, we ask you not to come to the practice if you have the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Covid-19
  • Acute flu-like infection
  • Acute bacterial infection
  • Other contagious diseases

We do not require a negative Covid-19 test upon arrival, but trust that you will recover from these symptoms and illnesses before coming to the Circle Health practice.